
[⚠]Eimmy to Yobanaide

this is a comically egregious nukige and real tongue-in-cheek about it, too. there are some pretty goofy characters who get into equally goofy antics. at the end, the story attempts to poorly explain why all of the characters randomly break into drawn-out sex scenes: the main character's brother is the (immortal?) son of Venus or something, and emits sex pheromones (lol). the main character also hates being called Amy (or Emi, depending on how you translate it), which is brought up several times for no reason. this game is actually pretty funny at times. there's tons of 4th wall-breaking. i didn't get to include a gif of the fake "Ending #15" that scared the shit out of me. that was my favorite gag. it gets an extra point for that. there's a bunch of manga references sprinkled throughout. two specific ones i recognized were Hayato Jin and Yabuki Joe in the backgrounds. the artwork is okay at best but sometimes things just ended up looking nice. also the theme song is great.

apparently there's also a fucking OVA? i'm gonna have to scour the net for that,,,

P.S. sorry if my screenshots aren't great. i was gonna use scanlines but they won't work no matter what settings i change. i also use shareX to capture the window so maybe they aren't the best quality.