
still workin

still workin on my site. idk why but my brain doesn't want me to. probably just too much work. regardless im going to do something, even if it ends up looking very dumb. i can always start v3 or v2.1 or whatever after i get v2 up i guess.

working so hard on my new site (even tho it probably won't reflect how much effort my weakling brain put into it) has caused me to not want to maintain the old one, and i don't have anything interesting to add or blog about rn, so expect longer breaks from updating until i get this shit sorted out.

just started armored core from the beginning and woah i fucking love this game!!! not only do i get to play as a mercenary without a moral or political alignment, but upon losing all of my money my character is fused with my mech and given a serial number for a name?? good heavens (๑/////๑ " )