
here's my gas can

ok this is silly and sort of a niche topic but does anybody know martin cabello III? he’s an autistic guy who’s famous online for his absurd livestreams and vlogs where he frequently interjects non sequiturs into sentences and speaks in a really cryptic way. here’s that one vid about his brother josh:

anyways, one time i was watching true crime tv specials with my mom (a regular occurrence in my past life) and i watched an entire episode (extra drawn-out for suspense) without realizing it was about the forenamed brother josh who murdered his wife and two kids until they mentioned the gas cans. before then i just assumed he had made it up. i was just bouncing up and down in my seat pointing at the TV going “i know him!!”. i had to elaborate on this internet phenom to my orthodox mother who was just trying to enjoy her murder reenactments. she obviously didn’t see the humor but i was so chuffed.

no particular reason for me saying this today. i’m also busy for the rest of the day so this is pretty much it.