
just goofin off u kno how it is

art by calejaylabbe

i’ve been listening to a lot of kendrick lately. i’m gonna listen through his entire discography until i can consider myself a true fan.

i’m building my partner a house in minecraft. they got a job recently and i’m proud of them. they complained about never being able to build houses so i’m building them an elaborate one while they’re off at work.

i don’t get why some of my gen z peers get so pressed over core music genres. i hate them too but in a way they’re no different than the genres they’re based off of. the only thing that’s changed are the names.

i’ve been playing space station 13 a lot. it’s a mutiplayer rpg that riffs off of sci-fi horror. i know at least one or two of my neo-neighbors like this game. anyways it’s really fun sometimes.