
hi!! i'm back!!

Combat Ballerina by Glyvees (@glyvees instagram and twitter)

i’ve been taking time to just be a person for a while. my sleep schedule is fucked up right now (sleeping at 0400-0600 waking up at 1000-1200) and i just haven’t felt like making my site look prettier or updating my shit.

i need to address the elephant in the room: as much as i love evil dead as a franchise i do watch OTHER MOVIES. i know reviews of them have been piling up. i have no idea why they are the only ones i ever review properly. i’m a mixed bag and i feel a little strange only having back-to-back evil dead reviews to offer. luckily, i’ve seen everything but the show so they should be ending soon enough.

a thought occurred to me while indexing my collection: i wish i had more cassettes. i don’t want to say that there isn’t enough “variety” in my collection, but there are plenty of other releases i would like to own in that specific physical format. there aren’t many places to thrift or exchange cassettes that i can access through my own means currently, so i mostly order them directly from labels or through online marketplaces. this is particularly costly, however, and i am very poor right now.