
hello again transients

art by nunu (@ichigodangao on twitter)

i would do “what i’m listening to” here but i already have a “song of the day” in music so only one of those things will happen to keep consistent. anyways check that out i guess.

i got my NES working in the early morning today. it was passed on to me from my parents, who had purchased it for my brother when it was new. i think there is an issue with the 72 pin connector, so i’m getting it replaced with a newly manufactured one. it should last a lot longer. i also plan to purchase the only decent crt in my area, which is going for an incredibly affordable price (10 bucks!!!). after all of that, i’ll work a little harder and save up for a knockoff flash cart that i can import roms with. i want to get the most functionality out of it and cheaply refurbish the entire thing. if i act now, maybe i won’t have to pay hundreds of dollars in the years to come due to the insane price-gauging that comes with anything deemed “retro” by the general populous.

the whole transient thing just started one day. the word resonates with me. that’s what we are as human beings, after all: impermanent, constantly on the move. i anticipate the types of people i’ll run into and the places i’ll go on my own journey. such is the way of a transient.

getting high is like clearing out brain fog from trauma. my senses are so much clearer. it’s the only time i can truly relax without getting anxious about things i can’t help right now or ever.